Friday, December 29, 2006

Star Wars One - The Phantom Menace

There is a Legendary quality to Star Wars that transcends even the original films, evident to the point that a fan would have done a better job of the prequels than the man who conceived them in the first place. Whilst some of the wonder of chapters four to six are the little details in set and character design, The Phantom Menace is bursting at the seams with marketing potential. In their attempts to cram as many collectible toys into one film as possible, the makers forgot what made the originals so good. Direction, plot, script and acting are sloppy, and even the Force has been quantified in a brainless pseudo-science. Chapter one relies too much on four to six - a person viewing them for the first time will no doubt be baffled and confounded with pregnant pauses and knowing winks that would stand out in a Carry

There is a sequence in a Simpsons episode wherein Homer gives himself food poisoning with a gigantic club sandwich that he has sworn to eat. He knows it's bad for him, but...

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