Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Feet

This tale of singing and dancing emperor penguins is incredibly silly, but not for the reasons you’d expect. Background to impose gravity on Penguin Society, with its sundry rituals, prayers and superstitions, creates the feeling of a second rate Watership Down. In common with Moulin Rouge, it shares a love of recycling pop songs from the past thirty years or so. This film however, presents the songs cleverly arranged and interlocking with each other in a penguin mating ritual dance, as opposed to the pub-medley approach of Moulin Rouge. Truth be told, this is one of the most mind-bendingly bizarre films I’ve ever seen, it’s main quirk the fact that it isn’t sure what to be. In all probability, an experiment in near photo-realistic animation resulted in one or two sequences of dancing penguins, and some bright spark considered that a story should grow out of it, and indeed a story does, but it flowers in an unexpected way.

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